One Year For Jesus

NOVOALTAYSK – Our testimony is about how the Holy Spirit selects people for His ministry and builds His Church. There were four of us. Inspired and filled with the Holy Spirit, we went to outreaches. On each trip we saw how ripe the fruit was, and the four of us were not enough. We prayed to the Lord and asked for more laborers. We encouraged each other and those who were near us by sharing about God’s miracles. In a short while God brought evangelists to our team.

My name is Alexey. I’m 43 years old. In the past I was an alcoholic. On November 5, 2013 through my ex-wife, I got to a rehabilitation center in the city of Staraya Kupavna. After completing the course, for four more months I went to a re-entry program in the same city. Then, four months I studied at a missionary training center in Dzerzhinsky of Moscow Region.

My name is Tamara, I am 55 years old. I always wanted to be part of the One Year for Jesus project. I prayed for teams, donated money. But I was afraid to go myself and preach, because I was disabled, I had problems with my feet.

Once I was offered to join the team in our church to share the Good News with people in villages. I prayed, and the Lord said to me, “Do not worry, I’ll always be with you.” Then I decided that no matter what, I would go and serve the people. It’s been three years now, every week we travel to towns and villages of our area and bring God’s Word to people who are in need of salvation. Our wonderful, merciful God has given me strength and “made my feet like the feet of a deer” (Hab. 3:19), and enabled me to preach the Good News!

ORENBURG (RUSSIA) - Our evangelistic team has been working for more than three years now, 1-2 times a week we go out and preach the Gospel in our city and in neighboring towns. In a small town we try to reach every home, to tell the Good News, to give the New Testament, and make friends. On these trips, as nowhere else, we feel the truth of the words of our Lord Jesus: “If they accepted Me, they will also accept you. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you.” In other words, some places we were accepted with hospitality, other places we were immediately pointed to the door. Therefore, as we begin to miniser in a new place, we know that even if there are persecutors of the Christian faith there, there should be neccessarrily people of peace, and we look for them.

OREL (RUSSIA) - 2014 - The One Year for Jesus Project is an opportunity to really show your love for God in action, preaching the Gospel. God wants us to act according to His Word. On May 17, 2014 Grace Church of the city of Orel in central part of Russia began its work in the One Year for Jesus Project. A team was formed, and team leader from Volgograd Sergei Kiselyov was invited to do the training. He held a three-day training with practical evangelism.
The whole team was inspired to preach the Gospel, though none of us had not yet known what to expect ahead. Sergei told us about the most effective methods of evangelism. We read all the materials, books, watched videos from different cities and teams.

DOMODEDOVO (RUSSIA) - May, 2014 - In May, Bethesda church of Domodedovo in Moscow region became a part of the One Year for Jesus Project. Team leader Constantin Gotovchikov, a minister who moved to the Moscow town of Domodedovo from Barnaul New Life Church, where he also was the head of the evangelistic project. Not much time has passed, as he shared his vision of the One Year for Jesus Project in Bethesda Church. He gathered a team of dedicated people, though it’s a small team, but they already have their first fruits. Evangelists were willing to share their stories.

CHITA (RUSSIA) - The ‘Salvation in Jesus’ church of Chita launched one more team of ministers who have decided to dedicate the next six months of their life to preaching the gospel. With great joy and trust brothers and sisters responded to the call to go to remote villages of Trans-Baikal area to bring people the message of salvation.

BARNAUL (RUSSIA) - My name is Yuri. I am 30 years old. I have been on a team for six months. This is the most unusual ministry that I have ever seen and participated. Why? I will try to explain.

DZERZHINSKY (RUSSIA) - Levon Movsesyan, who is a member of the One Year for Jesus team in Dzerzhinsky, speaks about himself and his ministry: I am 37 years old. In my past I was a drug addict, used heavy drugs. From some of my old friends I heard about rehabilitation program and decided to go through it. By God’s mercy and love I was delivered from drugs and now I am able to share my testimony with other guys and girls that are on a wide and straight way to death. I meet drug addicts and I tell them that there is a way out. I invite them to go through a rehabilitation program.

CHITA (RUSSIA) - Svetlana Shulgina, a member of the One Year for Jesus team of the Salvation in Jesus Church, shares her thoughts on evangelism: What is evangelism? At one point I thought about it a lot. But I could answer this question when I became a member of the One Year for Jesus team.

KANSK (SIBERIA, RUSSIA) - The team from Kansk has been on the road again. This time they went to two remote towns of Severo-Yeniseiskiy district, an administrative division of Krasnoyarsk territory, located in the center of the territory. The two towns were Novaya Eruda and Bryanka. Evangelists went door-to-door and visited every home. They told people about Christ, gave them Christian literature.

YEKATERINBURG (RUSSIA) - Last November, a new team of the project started its work. The team was formed in Answer in Jesus Church of Yekaterinburg, a city in the Ural Mountains region. Beside church members, three young people from a Slavic church of Portland (USA) joined the new team.

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