Team members speaking: 'I am not afraid of the Gospel'

Our Teams
BARNAUL (RUSSIA) - My name is Yuri. I am 30 years old. I have been on a team for six months. This is the most unusual ministry that I have ever seen and participated. Why? I will try to explain.

First of all, I think it’s not an exaggeration to say that participating in this ministry, I feel myself a real Evangelist! Before I have never felt that way. Secondly, I am very pleased and amazed to watch the power of the Holy Spirit: people are crying, getting saved, being healed and delivered. Thirdly, I have always thought that it was very scary to go out and preach the Gospel whether in a big city or small town. But now I understand that I was not afraid, I was just lazy!

The team of the New Life Church, Barnaul

The Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith


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