Tamara: “I want to tell everyone that God loves them!”

Our Teams
My name is Tamara, I am 55 years old. I always wanted to be part of the One Year for Jesus project. I prayed for teams, donated money. But I was afraid to go myself and preach, because I was disabled, I had problems with my feet.

Once I was offered to join the team in our church to share the Good News with people in villages. I prayed, and the Lord said to me, “Do not worry, I’ll always be with you.” Then I decided that no matter what, I would go and serve the people. It’s been three years now, every week we travel to towns and villages of our area and bring God’s Word to people who are in need of salvation. Our wonderful, merciful God has given me strength and “made my feet like the feet of a deer” (Hab. 3:19), and enabled me to preach the Good News!

Certainly, there are all sorts of situations where our message simply is not accepted, when people close their doors and their hearts. But those who listen, experience the touch of the Holy Spirit. There are plenty of people who repent of their evil ways and turn to God. Some people choose to go for a Christian rehabilitation program. Many people still do not know God or understand Him in their own way. I want to continue to serve these people. I want to say to everyone that God loves them, and there is no respect of persons with Him.

Tamara Shashkova
Team of the Nehemiah Church, Omsk


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