Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith

Evangelical movement in the world has a history of more than two thousand years. Christians of Evangelical faith appeared in Russia more than one hundred years ago, having overcome trials and persecution.
More than ten years ago the Gospel reached Tatarstan. And only thanks to God, Who opened the doors for Good News, for the first time there appeared an opportunity to share the Word of God openly.

20 years ago, Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith /Pentecostal Union (at that time - the Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith (Pentecostals) became legal again after over 60 years of being underground. In March 1991, Moscow hosted the Congress of the Russian Pentecostal churches. At that time there were 65 churches.

Our Church is a part of the powerful branch of Protestant Christianity, which was born in 14 – 15 centuries during West-European Reformation by Yan Gouss, Martin Luther, Jan Calvin and others. Due to the reformation, the Church returned what she had lost while turned away from Bible truths.

We believe in five famous Protestant points:

  • We recognize God as the supreme and absolute Authority and Power.

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