God wants us to act according to His Word

Our Teams
OREL (RUSSIA) - 2014 - The One Year for Jesus Project is an opportunity to really show your love for God in action, preaching the Gospel. God wants us to act according to His Word. On May 17, 2014 Grace Church of the city of Orel in central part of Russia began its work in the One Year for Jesus Project. A team was formed, and team leader from Volgograd Sergei Kiselyov was invited to do the training. He held a three-day training with practical evangelism.
The whole team was inspired to preach the Gospel, though none of us had not yet known what to expect ahead. Sergei told us about the most effective methods of evangelism. We read all the materials, books, watched videos from different cities and teams.

Each of us was looking forward to Saturday, May 17. Charged with fervent prayer, we went as a team to the park. I must make a note that the fervent prayer is needed in such events.
Arriving at the place, the team was divided into two groups: one group sang songs of praise to attract people's attention. The second group was handing out invitations to the church and talking with people.
Team members shared their impressions:
- It was great! People want to listen to the Word of God, and they have a spiritual thirst - it is for sure. Most of them were happy to take an invitation to the church. Impressions are great and positive emotions are overwhelming. It’s cool to know that you're part of a vast plan of God to save Russia. - Alina.
- I offered one elderly woman to pray for her. She agreed. I began to ask God for a prosperous life for this lady, for her health, but most importantly, that God would reveal to her who He really is. She was pleased and thanked me endlessly. - Arthur.
- The main thing that I learned: 1) the strength of the teamwork – a team that is driven by purpose; 2) the power of prayer. Lots of prayer – lots of power. I am sure that all those involved in the first outreach, felt it. I was glad to see my brothers and sisters on fire. Was glad that they felt the love of God that really has no fear. I was glad to see them love and friendliness. - Denis.

There were a lot of stories like that on the first day. We met people who were happy to see us. Many were just happy that young people do not smoke, do not use foul language, treat elders with respect and sincerely revere God.

After the outreach, the team went to the church where we prayed and shared our impressions, positive emotions and inspiring testimonies. It’s great to know that each of us can serve God. The time has come when the church will make our God known, and many people will hear the Gospel of salvation.

Since May 17, a team of 20 people are daily doing evangelism in different forms:
• preach in the streets of the city: one team sings Christian songs, the other gives out  invitations to church, talks to people about God and salvation. To those who listen to the Good News we give New Testaments, the Gospel of John, to those who repent, we give the Bible.
• We make trips to towns and villages of Orel region (Berths village, town Berths, Botavina village have been already visited), preaching the Gospel in every home.
• Daily spend time in prayer and teaching.

In the first three weeks of our work six people came to our church and repented. We thank God for the revival and we believe that this is only the beginning of the great work of God.

Natalia Idrisova, The Grace Church, Orel

The Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith


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