IZHEVSK – The conference will be held on November 17 and 18, 2023. It is organized by the Education Department of the Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith/Pentecostals and the Moscow Theological Institute. Pastors, teachers and ministers are invited to attend.
MOSCOW – The first class of the Moscow Missionary Center had its graduation on June 28. The first year of training is over, the graduates will move to practical work: open a new church in Moscow and help other churches in the area to open new ministries.
PERM – On the last day of April, New Testament Church of Perm hosted a reunion of 1997 graduates of its Bible school.
MOSCOW – Due to the well-known events, the Moscow Theological Institute for the first time held the defense of diploma projects in a remote format and organized graduation parties, taking into account the sanitary and epidemiological recommendations of regulatory authorities.
PERM (RUSSIA) – At the National Conference of the Russian church of Christians of Evangelical Faith in Perm that took place on September 7 to 9, President of Moscow Theological Institute Sergei Yastrzhembski and the Programme Director Aelita Zhidyaeva conducted a commencement. The graduates from churches of Perm Association — 17 bachelors of practical theology and 4 ministers of practical theology — received diplomas of higher theological education.
The MTI President Sergei Yastrzhembski congratulated graduates on behalf of professors and workers of Moscow Theological Institute and encouraged them to be even more humble before the Lord and serve the Body of Christ with boldness.
The Head Bishop instructed them, “I’m glad that you’ve made it, thank you for your commitment. There’re many people who possess much knowledge, but they don’t know God, and you will help those who seek God. I pray that you become gifts to people”.
Moscow Theological Institute web-site:
BARNAUL (RUSSIA) – A regional seminar and training for Sunday school teachers took place at Barnaul Light of Revival Church on August 8 to 11. 33 Sunday school teachers and children ministers from Light of Revival, New Life, Kingdom of God, Peacemaker, Source of Life, The Corner Stone churches took part in it. Speakers of the training seminar were Tatyana Chernyavskaya, Olga Verevkina, Ekaterina Sukhotina.
Brightly, vividly and clearly theoretical and practical knowledge was presented at the seminar. All aspects of children minister’s character, the identity and age peculiarities, basic principles of children ministry and children worship were reviewed in all detail. The core of the seminar was the knowledge about how to arrange a Sunday school lesson: preparation, structure and visual material. “The most important part of ministry to children is to be able to schedule the time and pray for children” – the speakers taught.
The biggest interest was aroused by practical tasks with interactive methods “The hat pole”, “Whirlpool”, “Cinqauin”, “Expert evaluation”.
During the breaks the children ministers made acquaintances, communicated, shared experience. The instructors gladly answered the questions and helped to prepare for the exam.
The seminar showed new directions of the ministry to children, new conception of preparing for the lessons, helped to set new goals and purposes in the new school year.
The Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith
VOLOGDA (RUSSIA) – Media ministers of evangelical churches met in Revival Church of Tcherepovetz on March 9 and 10. The meeting was organized by Communications Department of the Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith together with the Revival Church. Sixteen representatives of five churches from Tcherepovetz, Vologda and Kaduy came to the meeting.
Anderi Derbenev, the editor-in-chief of "Primiritel" ("Peacemaker") magazine and "Faith and society" newspaper shared the tools of working with texts, explained how to write a press release and news, make a report about a mission trip. The media trainer presented practical examples of generating ideas and developing creative thinking.
The head of the Communications Department Irina Litvinova presented a review of the Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith media resources and during the meeting helped the participants to get to know each other and make friends.
Igor Bulatov, specialist in videography and smm, shared the knowledge about supporting accounts in social networks, gave some ideas of content for churches' accounts, presented elements of photoreports.
Media speakers focused on planning. During practice sessions the participants gained skills of media support of church's events.
Dmitry Molchanov, lawyer and representative of the Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith legal department, shared about the application of rules and regulations set by "Yarovaya law" in the media ministry. At the conclusion of the presentation the participants made an editor's check-list on the legalistic matters.
Similar media trainings took place since 2013 in Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Perm and Krasnoyarsk. Media bfiefing is a format of gathering with coleagues, who meet, share experience, learn from each other.
The organizer of the meeting, media minister of Tcherepovetz "Revival" Church Artyom Vtorushin, said that he was glad to welcome guests from Vologda, Kaduy and churches of Tcherepovetz. Artyom was sure that as a result of the meeting new talents would be discovered.
"We've learned to generate and filter the ideas, - says Ilya Lamokhin, participant of the meeting. - I liked the "Six hats" method. Media ministers can help their churches in any ministry using it. Knowledge on media planning of a conference or any other event are useful to anybody".
"I liked to generate ideas using an "Octopus" techniqie, - says Leonid Chumakov. - I've learned how to write a news article, using a pyramid method. It was helpful to learn how to work in social networks and apply hashtags".
"New ideas and new victories in media ministry are guaranted. The Good News, properly shared, will be even closer to people", - Svetlana Vtoorushina summarized.
Artyom Vtorushin, Svetlana Vtorushina, Igor Bulatov
Photos by Igor Bulatov
The Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith
MOSCOW (RUSSIA) – On October 21, the Correspondence Theological Institute celebrated the graduation of a group of acoustically challenged students. Three graduates gained qualification in “Practical theology minister”, others were granted with letters of appreciation and memorable gifts.
During two years brothers and sisters from Russia and Kazakhstan patiently and diligently studied theological subjects. In spite of the challenges, biblical truths gained deep and protreptic meaning for them. The acquired knowledge and skills will equip them for ministry to acoustically challenged people.
Moscow Theological Institute
The Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith
RUSSIA - Youth ministry news - Our youth ministry is srtiving to equip and multiply youth leaders and students to reach the younger generation with a life-changing relationship to Jesus Christ. We are using the strategy and training materials of the Reach Out Youth Solutions ministry. Here is our latest news.
MOSCOW (RUSSIA) - On June 12 of 2016 a solemn ceremony of awarding a doctoral degree to six PhD students took place at All-Russian conference of Russian church of Christians of Evangelical Faith. The doctor’s degree was conferred to: Sergei Yastrzhembski, President of Moscow Theological Institute, Aelita Zhidyaeva, Academic Vice-President for Moscow Theological Institute, Igor Ivanenko, Vitaly Nakul and Sergei Zhidyaev – Professors of Moscow Theological Institute and Pastor Alexander Nikolaev.
MOSCOW (RUSSIA) - On May 19, Moscow Theological Institute congratulated its graduates. Seven students defended their theses and got the degree of Bachelor of practical theology. Three of them received diplomas with honors.
DZERZHINSKY (RUSSIA) – On June 2, 2014 a graduation ceremony took place in the ‘New Testament’ church of Dzerzhinsky. 11 students solemnly received certificates of completion of the RCCEF Missionary Training Center course.