20 years ago, Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith /Pentecostal Union (at that time - the Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith (Pentecostals) became legal again after over 60 years of being underground. In March 1991, Moscow hosted the Congress of the Russian Pentecostal churches. At that time there were 65 churches.
Milestones in the history of the Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith.
In the beginning of the 20th century first evangelical believers appeared in Russia. They preached the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
In 1926 the first Congress of Evangelical Christians took place in Odessa. It was the beginning of the Union of Pentecostal churches, it included 350 churches.
In 1929 churches of the Union of Evangelical Christians (Pentecostals) had to go underground as a result of the persecution. Ivan Voronaev, the Chairman of the Union, was arrested.
In 1945 some Pentecostal churches became a part of the Baptist Union that remained officially registered during the Soviet time.
In 1990 the Union of Evangelical Christians (Pentecostals) became legal again in the USSR and the first after Perestroika Congress of Pentecostal churches of Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet Republics was called. The Chairman of the Union was elected – Roman Bilas.
In March, 1991 the Congress of Pentecostal churches of Russia was held in Moscow. Vladimir Murza became the Chairman of the Union of Evangelical Christians of Russia.
In 2002 a new senior bishop of the Union was elected – Pavel Okara. Pentecostal Union received a new official name: the Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith.
In December 2009 Eduard Grabovenko was elected the Head Bishop of the Russian Church.
During the Soviet times Christians paid a great price and they remained faithful to Christ. They could only dream of the openness that the generations after them have experienced in the last two decades.
In 1991 there were 65 churches in the Union of Evangelical Christians of Russia. Today there are 1600 churches joined with the Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith. The Church is successfully growing. There are opportunities today to do social work and to bring the light of the Gospel to people of Russia, including the most remote places of our country.
Every generation of Christians has its own special task from God. Our grandfathers and fathers stood firmly in the times of persecution; they kept their faith and stayed faithful to the Word of God and its eternal values. They were able to pass them on to us.
Our task is to bring God’s Word to people in Russia and reveal to them the love of Christ.