It’s a great honor to preach the Gospel

News & Reports

ALTAI (RUSSIA_ – We thank God that He has chosen us – to bring the news of salvation to people of Komsomolski town is a great honor. Of course, it does not always go smoothly and well. Some people accept the Good news, some – don’t. Many people oppose and say: “We’re Orthodox, we have a church…” But when we ask them, “Who is Jesus for you?” – they don’t know what to answer....

With those who accept the News of Salvation, we keep in touch. When we come for a visit, we always bring something: a book, a newspaper and some treats for tea. It takes time to build relationships, but it is worth it. Today there’s a home in Komsomolski – Semyon Ivanovich’s – that is willing to invite people for home church meetings. We praise God for this man! He’s 85, but still active: he helps people remove the garbage using his truck. He introduced us to his friend, Vassily Yakovlevich who is also 85. Recently he prayed the sinners’ prayer.

We stay in touch with people who come to our home church meetings. Some time ago a new family joined us: a mother, Zoya Romanovna, she is 78, and her son Nikolai, he’s 55. The mother is a Christian, and besides Nikolai she has two other sons and a daughter. Nikolai was a military officer. Because of his drinking habit, he lost his family. He willingly talks to us, shows us pictures of his past life. He feels a lot of pain, disappointment and hurt. We pray that God would bring him to repentance and would restore all that was destroyed.

We’ve seen the first fruit of our prayers: two weeks after we met Nikolai and his mother we learned that Nikolai drank less than before and once he came home almost sober after a birthday party.
Some people are not able to attend home church due to disabilities, so we visit them at their homes. We talk, study the Bible, worship the Lord and pray together. We praise the Lord for all opportunities He provides, His strength, peace and joy!

Komsomolski settlement team, Altai region


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