The Word of God touches hearts

News & Reports

BARNAUL (RUSSIA) – Kalmanka town is not large, about 3 thousand people. We’ve come here several times to share the Good News and pray for the alcohol-addicts, as there’re many of them in Kalmanka. We already see the results of our prayers: it is our third visit to one home, and now all family members are sober, and they even cleaned the place up, so the yard is clean and tidy. And when we read the Bible with these people, the Word of God changes their faces – they begin to glow and their once wan eyes liven up, the Holy Spirit touches some of them so mightily they begin to cry. We see the conditions that they have to live in, and it is our desire that their lives could change. We pray and believe that it is possible for God.

There’re other families – working people, pensioners, young people. When we start telling them the Good News, many of them get nervous: they don’t have time, they have problems and troubles. Then we begin to read the Bible, suddenly we see interest in their eyes, their faces change and the Word of God touches their hearts.

Some time ago, Jehovah’s Witnesses lived in Kalmanka, and they went door to door. That’s why many people wouldn’t let us in, but many people give us their phone numbers so that we could invite them to come if there are any crusades. Two people are willing to come to Barnaul to our church’s conference. We pray that they’re able to solve their issues with their work and finances and are able to come.

We’re thankful to God for the opportunity to preach the Gospel. We always return home inspired and filled with joy, strength and desire to minister to people. Glory to God!

The Light of Revival Church team, Barnaul


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