Bishop Vladimir Khvalov held a marriage seminar in Rostov-on-Don


ROSTOV-ON-DON – On December 9, an unusual service took place in a cozy photo studio. The event was attended by couples who had not previously participated in the marriage ministry of the Church of Christ the Savior in Rostov-on-Don. The meeting began with informal fellowship and photos in beautiful New Year's locations.

Pleasant music, unusual interior of the photo studio, friendly hugs, new acquaintances — all this contributed to the mood. The organizer of the meeting, Pastor Vahan Poghosyan, welcomed all the participants and gave the floor to the senior pastor of the Church of Christ the Savior, the head of the family ministry of the Russian Church of Evangelical Christians, Bishop Vladimir Khvalov.

At the seminar, bishop talked about how important it was for each of the spouses to have a personal relationship with God in order to build a happy marriage, resolve conflicts and overcome difficulties by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

“Many people associate paradise with rest. But the Lord commissioned Adam to work, to cultivate the Garden of Eden. When he had a wife, he was not a slacker. God gave him Eve not as a resting partner, but as a helper in his calling. This is what the marriage in the garden of paradise looked like. This is the model that God Himself offered. We need to understand this and not live in illusions, expecting something else from our family life,” — said the minister.

Bishop Vladimir Khvalov answered questions of the participants and prayed for the families. After that, a buffet was held, and fellowship continued in an informal setting.

Media service of the Christ the Savior Church, Rostov-on-Don

The Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith


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