Two encounters


BOGORODSK (RUSSIA) - Both encounters took place in the town of Vorsma. It was warm, I walked down the street carrying “The Good Word” newspapers. Suddenly I saw an old lady sitting on a bench. She looked sad and I decided to come closer and talk to her. I told her that I brought her a gift – a newspaper and a “Choose Life” booklet. The old lady was surprised and happy with a gift. Her name was Antonina. She listened to the Good News and prayed the sinners’ prayer. She said she believed in God but was tired of such a life and was asking God for death.

Then Antonina shared about her life. It was good in the beginning, her family lived well. But then her husband began to drink alcohol and died of it. She stayed alone with two kids. Her daughter is doing well, but her son stays with her and, like his father, drinks a lot. Antonina complained that their house is always a mess, her son steals things and sells them to buy alcohol. We talked with her that there’s always something in our life that we can thank God for, and we can find something positive in our life and rejoice. Antonina realized that she can be thankful to God for her daughter and help her and her family.

When I was leaving, Antonina looked happy. She thanked me for the attention and a kind word. I was inspired by that talk too – it is good to witness somebody finding hope.
And then I met Nina Ivanovna. She was 82. She used to go to an Orthodox church with her daughter, but her legs started to hurt and she was not able to do that. Nina Ivanovna believed in God, prayed every day and thanked Him for the life and every new day, but she never read the Bible. I decided to share the Good News with her. Nina Ivanovna listened to me and prayed the sinners’ prayer. When I was leaving, she thanked me for coming and the prayer. It was strange how she was going to church, but never read the Word of God and didn’t know the Salvation plan. Praise God that we can preach the Gospel so that people could come to faith and be saved.

Anastasia Kustova
Team of the Living God Church, Bogorodsk

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