SYKTYVKAR (RUSSIA) - As a result of our outreaches in Komi Republic we started a new home church in the town of Sobino. Just recently when our team came to this town, we saw a family, that we made acquaintences with on a previous trip to Sobino: Alexey,
Lyudmila and their two children – Dasha and Maxim. When we fisrt came to see them, Lyudmila didn’t want to let us in and didn’t want to hear anything about God and His love. But everything changed after a home church was started in this town and Lyudmila’s neighbors started to tell her about Christ.
This time the whole family was glad to see the team and Alexey told us that he would like to be baptized in water. We stopped by their house, had tea with them and shared about Christ.
Team of the Source of Life Church, Syktyvkar
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Good News in Komi Republic