Heavenly sounds touched hearts during the “School of Worship” in Orel

During the “School of Worship” in Orel

In Russia

OREL – The annual international ministry “School of Worship” was held in Orel on July 3-7. The main theme of the conference was prophetic worship. The school was organized by Natalia Idrisova, who continued the work of her father, Bishop Alexander Pospelov, the head of the Oryol Association of the Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith/Pentecostals.

For five days, 100 participants from different parts of Russia and abroad learned the art of worship. Participants took master classes in musical instruments, vocal skills, worship team administration, and stage speech. The practice was supported by spiritual and biblical topics related to worship and glorification of God.

Speakers were Alexander and Sergey Sokolov (SokolovBrothers), Alexander Podobedov (pastor of the Church of God, Izhevsk), Mikhail Biryukov (pastor of the Awakening Church, Bryansk), Tamara Biryukova (leader of the women's ministry of the Awakening Church, theater actress and stage director).

“School of Worship” was a unique opportunity for sharing experience, inspiration and spiritual growth, the conference participants believe.

“We are very grateful to the Pospelov family. This is a gracious event that we had a chance to attend. In these wonderful days we walk in the glory of God, filled with the Holy Spirit,” shares Evgeny Chernukhin from Volgograd, a minister of the Grace of Jesus Christ Church.

Daily “School of Worship” concluded with evenings of praise and worship. These worship services became a place of spiritual fulfillment for participants and guests from other cities. Praise bands from different parts of Russia took the stage.

International Ministry “School of Worship” is a training event and a spiritual festival that unites people's hearts through music.

Victoria Pospelova

Oryol Association of the Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith/Pentecostals


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