VOLGOGRAD – The conference timed to coincide with this anniversary and titled ‘Serve one another with love’ was held on June 19 and 20. Believers from Volgograd, Astrakhan, Rostov, Penza, Krasnodar, and Perm regions, as well as from the USA and the United Arab Emirates attended the conference.
Congratulations flew to Volgograd from all over the world. All sessions were broadcasted live.
God's Word at the conference was shared by bishops Eduard Grabovenko, Fedor Andronovich, Vladimir Khvalov, Alexander Kalinin, Anatoly Kozlov and Alexey Rudenky.
At the conference we had a prayer of ordination of the senior pastor of the Grace of Jesus Christ Church Simon Milongo as a bishop, as well as ordination of pastors of regional churches and ordination to deacon ministry.
A great blessing was the praise and worship groups of the Grace of Jesus Christ Church, the children's choir, the musical group ‘Tabernacle’ and the praise group of the international student fellowship ‘Jesus Embassy’. A nice addition to the celebration were vocal solo songs, as well as memorable photos and videos representing the significant moments in the life of the church.
Jesus was about thirty years old when He began His ministry. (Luke 3:23) We believe that the best is yet to come. Let Jesus Christ be glorified as King in the city of Volgograd through the ministry of the church!
The press center of the Grace of Jesus Christ Church of Volgograd
The Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith