On September 6–8, annual National Conference took place at the New Testament Church in Perm

In Russia

PERM – On September 6–8, annual National Conference took place at the New Testament Church in Perm.

It was an honor to receive the word from the hearts of great speakers: OneHope Founder Bob Hoskins, WAGF Secretary Dominic Yeo, pastors Gary Brothers and Chad Fisher, AG Area Director Robert Shipley, evangelist Mikel French, pastors Pavel Zhelnovakov, Arthur Simonyan, Edward Grabovenko.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude. We believe that the messages the preachers delivered have changed the mindsets of many people. Our hearts are filled with faith and we are encouraged to do more for the Lord.

If you would like to watch videos of the Conference, they are on the Russian Church YouTube channel:




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