Family conference “Power of double covenant” took place in Altai


ALTAI – In May Vladimir Khvalov, bishop, head of family ministry department of the Russian church of Christians of Evangelical Faith conducted a “Power of double covenant” family conference by invitation of Light of Revival churches Association. 

Families from different churches of Altai region gathered at a beautiful picturesque location – park-hotel “Lesnye dali”. The events were arranged so that the couples would have an opportunity to rest and spend some time together, take a romantic walk. 

During the first two days bishop Vladimir and his wife Olga ministered to pastors’ families. The speakers shared about contemporary challenges that the priests’ families face, answered their questions, conducted personal counseling. They also prayed for every family.

The second part was for the married couples. Besides the teaching the ministers devoted the time to praying for healing, restoration and refreshing the relationships. 

“The conference was very well organized. The living conditions were comfortable, nothing was distracting the spouses from working on the relationships. Throughout the conference we could feel the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. We’ve discussed many important topics. We had a chance to profoundly minister to those who needed help the most. I’m glad to hear we have many testimonies about how God was working, changing hearts, healing bodies and souls. I believe that the families who came to be with us will grow stronger and more powerful in the Lord” – said bishop Vladimir Khvalov.


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