Summer evangelization campaign began in Karelia

From the field

KARELIA REGION (RUSSIA) – A few years ago pastors and ministers from seven evangelical churches of Karelia formed a joint missionary team to bring God’s Word to people. This summer the team responded to the invitation by distant churches and went 700-800 km to the north of the region on its mission trip. The first three days they held tent meetings in villages of Pjaozersky and Tungozero in Louhi district where Pastor Vasily Grudov ministers with his family.

The team then moved to the village of Letnerechensky in Belomorian area where Pastor Valentin Maklakov works. For the next three days the team held similar activities. The local boys who came to the tent to listen to the Word invited the brothers from the team to play soccer. The game brought them closer to the local kids. Later the kids visited the local church and had long conversations about God and salvation. 

Anatoly Kukushkin

Association of Pentecostal churches in Karelia

Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith



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