Second year in a row a Christian football camp was held in Omsk


OMSK (RUSSIA) - On June 24 to 27, Zhatva Church of Omsk with the help of football coaches from Sweden held a Christian football camp for children and teenagers. If last year 65 children attended the camp, this year 100 boys and girls wanted to participate at this exciting event. Of these kids, 20 have never heard the Good News.

For three days kids had intensive trainings, and in between they learned biblical “pearls” – lessons of the Bible that teach children how to become a better team member. After trainings, all all kids had Bible studies.

The last day was marked by a tournament. Boys and girls of different ages were divided into teams and the asignment was to become a close-knit in a short time team and win. At the end of the tournament all celebrated the victory of the friendship, received certificates and ice cream. All kids who were in the camp for the first time, received a gift of the children's Bible.


The Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith



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